2024-2025 is our 13th Season

Come Sing With Us! First Rehearsal September 11th

The Crown of the Continent Choir is a non-auditioned community choir that welcomes all singers with all kinds of musical backgrounds. We also have Headwaters, an auditioned ensemble.

The Crown supports nonprofits by donating all audience proceeds in our free concerts: over $13,000 in our last two seasons.

We rehearse in the Flathead High School choir room Wednesdays starting at 6:30 PM.

Watch and listen to our 12th Season Summary:

We Sing For Fun.
We also sing for social justice, environmental stewardship & community service.

If you have questions please email the board at CrownOfTheContinentChoir@Yahoo.com

Our director Craig Thomas Naylor CraigTNaylor@gmail.com also welcomes inquiries.