Annual Budget for The Crown of the Continent
$9,290 stipends for our artistic ‘staff’ who are willing to work 10 months of the year
$400 for Saturday workshop (rental of space + Chauncey)
$1,200 for new music
$261 for minimal website
$345 Insurance and tax filing fee
$500 director workshops (this year in Spokane)
$200 programs and flyers and folders
$805 Rental of O’Shaughnessy
$300 miscellany (scarves, guest artists like our drummers / dancers)
$400 piano tuning
$300 sound recording pro
$14,000 Estimated Total Expenses
$3,500 choir dues
Donations, Grants, Sponsorships, Season Finale Fundraiser
Our annual successful strategy to raise funds & continue our wonderful Crown:
Our largest support is your voices!
If choir members want to do more:
Sponsorships from other organizations or from choir members
‘In-Kind Donations’
Pitch in on our needed committee work (many of you already have)
The Sponsorship and the Donor forms linked below are PDF’s which you can either print or email as attachments in soliciting donors.
Sponsorship Flyer January 2024